Saturday, September 22, 2007


There isn't a better way to start a blog than with a friendly "aLOha!" We have officially joined the millions of bloggers out on the world wide web. Those of you who aren't familiar with blogs, they're sort of like journals, but online. Since neither Ben or I write in a journal we're hoping this will be the best way for us to archive our first years of marriage!

This first entry is all about out our trip to Hawaii! We celebrated our first anniversary on the islands of Oahu and Kauai!
Enjoy the photos, please make make comments as you read along, we'd love to know you visited our blog! Oh and come back soon! We'll try to update this weekly, although we can't promise weekly entries about exotic trips to Hawaii!
Ma halo!

"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts..."

Mandy at the Polynesian Cultural Center on Oahu. The center offers tours of 7 Polynesian Villages (Hawaii, Samoa, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Fiji, the Marquesas, Tahiti, and Tonga) with locals from each island to assist you in everything from spear throwing to hula lessons. We got to enjoy a luau dinner there that night as well.

Pearl Harbor, photo taken while standing on the memorial above where the USS Arizona now lies. The marker in the picture is where the boat was the morning before it sank, they have other markers for boats USS Utah, and USS Nevada.

Enjoying some beaches on the Northern Shores of Oahu... where they film the TV Show "Lost." We know we're nerds but it was really cool to see the beaches where they filmed the first season.

Taking in the beautiful scenery at the LDS Laie Hawaii Temple. More pictures of our time on Kauai coming soon!


Unknown said...

You guys are the cutest couple I have ever seen. Looks like you had a great time in Hawaii, I can't even begin to tell you how jealouse I am.
I'll look forward to frequent updates.

Brent and Emily said...

What a fun anniversary! A little jealous though, I think we went out to olive garden on our first anniversary. We are excited you guys have a blog. Keep the posts coming!

Unknown said...

Our last anniversary we were drywalling the basement- now there's a good time! (Although I did write Holly love notes on the wall board, but those are all mudded and painted over now) Glad to see the two of you doing well. For those of us farther out of town, let us know what else both of you are doing. Glad to hear from y'all