Friday, February 22, 2008

My Picks...

Before I get started I need to air a grievance I have with the Academy. The year was 1999, and Russell Crowe gave the performance of a lifetime as a corporate whistle blower in Michael Mann's The Insider. At the Academy awards that year Crowe was rightfully nominated in the "Best Actor" category. Unfortunately he lost the award to Kevin Spacey for his turn in the overrated film of '99 American Beauty. Flash forward to the next year (2000) when Russell Crowe gives just an okay performance in just an okay picture and wins! Any of the other four nominees that year including Tom Hanks and Ed Harris should have walked home with that statue. Crowes role in Gladiator could have gone to any actor and we would have got just about the same movie. It was that year that I came to a full understanding of the Academy's dilemma. They "owe" so many awards to so many of their favorites that what we end up with is years worth of back -logged awards to hand out (which will be evident if Johnny Depp wins). That being said I still think it's fun to pick the winners and see who comes home with the gold. If anything we get to see more Jon Stewart. I have put together a list of who I believe will win the Academy Awards this Sunday based on what I have seen thus far as well as some of my guesses. I have also decided to compile a list of people and movies that are not nominated that I believe should have received some recognition. Please feel free to comment on any choices or better yet, share some of yours. So without further adieu...

Best Picture: No Country For Old Men

My Pick: Once

Best Director: Paul Thomas Anderson (There Will Be Blood)

My Pick: Seth Gordon (The King of Kong: A Fist Full of Quarters)

Best Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis (There Will Be Blood)

My Pick: Adam Sandler (Reign Over Me)

Best Actress: Julie Christe (Away From Her)

My Pick: Amy Adams (Enchanted)

Best Supporting Actor: Javier Bardem (No Country For Old Men)

My Pick: [tie] Steve Zahn (Rescue Dawn) and Chris Cooper (Breach)

Best Supporting Actress: Amy Ryan (Gone Baby Gone)

My Pick: Jennifer Garner (Juno)

Original Screenplay: Juno

My Pick: Lions For Lambs

Best Adapted Screenplay: No Country For Old Men

My Pick: Breach

Best Documentary: No End In Sight

My Pick: The King of Kong: A Fist Full of Quarters

Best Original Song: Falling Slowly (Once)

My Pick: Society (Into the Wild)

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