Friday, August 22, 2008

Dinner at the Space Needle

My dad received an invitation for dinner at the Space Needle, unfortunately for him he was going to be out of town. FORTUNATELY for us we weren't! Ben and I commented on the unbelievable weather while we were on top of the needle. Even though we have both been up to the top many times, the view was the clearest we've ever seen. Besides Mt. Rainier we could also see Mt. Baker in the distance!We dined on the 100 level, and had a free trip to the top afterwards. Three local caterers were featured for dinner, we enjoyed fresh crab cakes, pacific rim shrimp cocktail, pork and beef tacos, (with all the fixin's) and an assortment of olives and cheeses. For desert we sipped on Thomas Kemper root beer floats!


Haylee Wilkinson said...

How fun! We're looks like you two do so many fun things!

Anonymous said...

Dinner sound like it was way better than the time we ate up there ben. plus it sounds like the meal was free instead of 75 bucks and no tip except a pass along card.