Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Most Recent News

Ben and I went to Portland last weekend with my family for a wedding. While we were there we got to visit with my sister and her family. On Friday we went swimming with Lydia, Micah, and John and later that night we got to have "Sheridan's." Lydia's favorite ice cream (actually frozen custard) place! Lydia highly recommends the "Duh-rt an Wuh-rms" so that's what I ordered! It was fabulous! While we were there we got to see Lydia's "Princess Dorothy" dress. She's planning to be Dorothy for Halloween and her Grandma Ruth made her a beautiful Dorothy dress. I took some pictures of the kiddo's, here are some of my favorites.Micah, Dorothy's Lion.A few more of Micah to show off his handsome red hair!!

Ben and me at the wedding.Sister's!

Our hubbies.


The Speres said...

I really love these pictures, Mandy! And you never have to apologize for "not keeping in touch." I am worse than most people at keeping in touch! I am definitely a better emailer than blogger!
I love that dress you wore to the wedding! It's so snazzy! And your hair looks extra red and beautiful! A recent dye maybe? Anyway, you look great, both of you, and we're glad you're having a great fall so far!
Bryce and I REALLY need to come up to Seattle... I am homesick and he's never been... do I dare bring him up in the winter?

Anonymous said...

Hey, cool blog. Adam sent me the link.

"Logan's Sorry!"

Kenny Averett