Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Decision 2008

We've tried to keep our blog out of politics the past few months. We realize not everyone who reads our blog shares the same excitement over Barack Obama's win last night! The last moments of this campaign, that has seemed to go on forever, were my favorite.

John McCain's concession speech was everything I would've hoped to hear from the "maverick." Urging his supporters to offer the next president their "goodwill and an earnest effort to find ways to come together."

Barack Obama made the same plea to American's asking that we "resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long."

Congratulations to Barack Obama on his historic win! 44th President of the United States of America!


John and Bree plus 3 (and a dog!) said...

Hope the cupcakes were tasty! I really like Ben's Obama t-shirt. Where was Nonna's "Obama Mama" t-shirt? Looking forward to seeing y'all over Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Ben, Love your shirt. Where can I get one?

Cousin Kenny

P.S. "Logan's Sorry"

Unknown said...

We were also pretty excited. We were at someone else's house to help with genealogy that evening , and they were less than enthusiastic when he broke 270, so we had to wait until we were home to celebrate and watch the big speech. And we've had to keep things subdued as there are a lot of grumpy republicans over here. But yes, we are hopeful about the president elect, and it's been a while since you could say that.

mandy & ben said...

Here is the link for the shirt:

You can get it in long sleeve/short sleeve any color...etc.


mandy & ben said...

I just re-read my post and noticed that is says womens t-shirt. It comes in both men and womens sizes:)