This is what focus sounds like! Ryan Adams is in a good place right now, and we have The Cardinals and their Grateful Dead, country rock sound to thank for it. The Cardinals really bring out the best in Adams and allow him to do something that he has never done, be consistent. Adams likes to play with genres and explore new territories. I can't blame him, I think I would do the same thing; but with Cardinology he tapped into what made last years Easy Tiger so magnificent, simplicity and intimacy. Track #9 "Crossed Out Name" has been inducted into my top five Adams songs!
10. 808s & Heartbreak - Kanye West - 24 November 2008What drew me to
Kanye West in the first place back in 2004 was his ear for creative sampling, his unabashed confidence and his biting social commentary.
808s & Heartbreak has none of that! In fact the entire album is recorded with an 808
synth machine and auto-tune, and oh yeah, he sings! Why do I like it so much then? It's because we are able to see a moment of weakness in a giants life. In this album,
Kanye is vulnerable and stripped of all of his Louis
Vuitton armor. The unexpected death of his mother plus the breakup from his long time fiancee has left him as deflated as the balloon on the albums cover. He wrote this album as a way to cope with the loss in his life and we are left with a wonderful experiment from start to finish. I will cherish this album because I know that next year he will be back to rapping about all things superficial. I do have to say that the guests on this album do not help it at all, in fact one of the dumbest lines in rap comes on the track "Amazing" from Young
Jeezy. Says he: "Standing at my podium, I'm
tryin' to watch my sodium." Just cause it rhymes does not make it a good line.
11. Furr - Blitzen Trapper - 23 September 2008
Blitzen Trapper are little more rowdy than Fleet Foxes, but they are the same in spirit. This Portland based band has perfected what was best about the 70's California (Harvest era) sound and mixed it with the new Seattle/NW sound. The result is a perfect album, and one I wish could have somehow been a part of. I can't wait to see these guys this summer!
12. The '59 Sound - The Gaslight Anthem - 19 August 2008
Before I started listening to Bruce Springsteen back in high school my favorite band was another group from Jersey, The Bouncing Souls. Imagine my joy when I heard The '59 Sound by The Gaslight Anthem. It is like a marriage between Darkness on the Edge of Town Springsteen and Hopeless Romantic Bouncing Souls (they recently toured with the 'Souls). Even though their influences are prevalent throughout the album there is something about it that is so organic. Listen to the track "Film Noir" and enjoy! Thanks Tyler for the suggestion, I owe you one.
13. Another Country - Tift Merrit - 26 February 2008
Another solid release from one of my "voice crushes," as Mandy calls her. I think that this is my favorite of her three albums because it is the most simple. I think that simplicity is most evident on my favorite track "Keep You Happy."
14. Mudcrutch - Mudcrutch - 29 April 2008I don't know what good thing I did to deserve this, but Mudcrutch is as good as it gets for me. Mudcrutch was more or less Tom Petty's first band back in Gainesville, FL in the early '70s and this album will transport you right back to that glorious time in music. Although recorded this year, Mudcrutch sounds like a long lost album that you somehow missed when it came out over thirty years ago. The rich country sound is accented by Petty's master use of catchy hooks and a sure sense of what his strengths are. Just listen to "Scare Easy," "Six Days on the Road," and "Topanga Cowgirl" to hear proof that at 58, Mr. Petty is at the top of his game.
15. Jenny Lewis - Acid Tongue - 23 September 2008Whether she is performing with
Rilo Kiley, the Watson Twins, or
Fred Savage. Jenny Lewis can do no wrong in my book. She has such a unique voice, it has a haunting quality to it. She is like the girl version of Gram Parsons. Every song on this album rocks but the last song, "Sing A Song For Them" was one of my favorite songs of 2008! She will be at the
UW next week, maybe I'll break into the piggy bank so I can go see her live.
16. Such Fun - Annuals - 7 October 2008First off, love the Bob Ross painting on the cover. Annuals from NC are becoming the band to watch. In their last album, Be He Me, they channeled Pet Sounds and on this one they have progressed into the '70s country rock sound. It's hard to tell where they will settle but for now I'm loving the ride.
17. Loyalty To Loyalty - Cold War Kids - 23 September 2008While I admit that this album is not as catchy as CWK's fantastic debut Robbers & Cowards, I think that Loyalty To Loyalty is far more interesting. This was one of the few new albums this year that I sat down and read the lyrics while listening to the music. My favorite track is #10 "Dreams Old Men Dream," check it out!
18. Narrow Stairs - Death Cab For Cutie - 13 May 2008
Even though I know that it is in fashion among the cool kids to hate on this band I haven't turned my back on them yet. I think that
DCFC gets better with each release, and for me
Narrow Stairs is their best. From the first track "
Bixby Canyon Bridge" and into "I Will Posses Your Heart" we can hear that
NS is darker than their prievious efforts. This darkness provides more depth and proves that DCFC are destined for more than just playing the Baitshop. I stopped feeling guilty for liking them after seeing them live with Neil Young this past fall, they held their own.
19. Field Manual - Chris Walla - 29 January 2008Bothell's Chris Walla has put out his own "Postal Service." Those who think that DCFC is all Ben Gibbard will be surprised to hear how much their sound comes from Walla. On this album Walla does it all, he played, wrote, and produced it all (for the most part). Check out "Our Plans, Collapsing" and "It's Unsustainable."