Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fremont Fair

We have lived in Fremont for a little over a year now and have been able to take advantage of a lot that it has to offer. There are great places to eat, shop, and we're within walking distance of the zoo! One thing we have yet to experience is the Fremont Fair held in June on the third Saturday of the month. It is a fair hosted by the Fremont Arts Council an organization that supports the arts and artists in the Fremont area. They have a parade every year that has been, at times, quite the controversy. It is famous for it's creative floats and ensembles, but most notably for the Solstice Cyclists. The Solstice Cyclists strip down every year and paint their bodies then ride through the parade. Ben and I decided to see what all the talk was about this year and walked down to the parade route with our friends Tyler and Stacy. It was quite the event, unlike any we've ever attended!

At one point we tried to make our way down to meet up with more friends, we got caught in the stream of the parade and Ben decided to make the most of it!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

It was indeed quite the affair! Thanks for letting us spend the day with you guys, we had lots of fun!