I embarked on a new project this weekend, one that I have been thinking about for quite some time. Ben is often commenting that he never gets to see all the pictures I take on vacations and fun outings. (Sound familiar mom? My mom and dad have this same conversation, probably daily... Scary...! :) Anyway, we do print and post photos on our fridge when we get the chance and I occasionally update the framed photos we have around the house. Unfortunately, I don't have time/money to do an album for every trip we take! So I've been trying to come up with another way to display photos around our house. I wanted something that I could change out often.
Then I remembered a family I once nannied for having a GIANT piece of plexi-glass in their living room. The plexi-glass was the designated area for the kids to hang up whatever they wanted. Every once and a while it was my duty to clear off the plexi-glass so it could be filled up again. I thought this might work for my picture dilemma... Ben and I went to Home Depot on Saturday and bought a 3'x4' (roughly) piece of plexi-glass and attached it to the wall in our kitchen.

Then I went to work placing pictures all over the plexi-glass to fill it up! I removed all the photos from our fridge and added them, leaving our fridge a little less chaotic. As I was doing this I was thinking about how cool pictures are. Just looking at a picture from our latest trip to Salt Lake I'm able to transport myself back to that time. That got me thinking about the tag line on the back of business card:

I think the answer to that question is the minute it's captured. I love our little memory catcher hanging in our kitchen. Every time I'm in there I look and remember another fun time we've had!
Attention all nieces and nephews, new photos are always welcome and wanted for our memory catcher! We accept emailed photos too! :)
Well that is very cool. I love it. I have hundreds of pictures that i should do that with... YEAH RIGHT! I am still working on scrapbooking Hawaii a few years ago.
Look out for our photo in your email soon!
Great idea.
Hey! Love the plexi-glass tribute to crazy Katie! :) I was thinking about doing the same thing. How did you attach it to your wall? Also, will you please email those super cutie cute pictures of Micah-man b/c I want to have one blown up before John gets home. I bought frames at a craft warehouse sale the other day and am ready to fill'm! :) See you soon!
oooh fun! Might have to copy your idea in our house :) Our fridge has photos ALL over it!!!
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