Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Last Days of Summer

Ben and I spent a few days in Salt Lake last week, it was a nice way to wrap up our summer! We were able to spend a lot of time with our nieces and nephews which is always a blessing. Ben was able to spend an extra 5 days, after the 5 that we were both there. He was really grateful that his summer school schedule allowed for this time. It's probably the longest amount of time he's been in Salt Lake since he moved in 2005. Ben's brother, Adam and wife Carolina, just bought a house out in Eagle Mountain. We drove out to see the knew place and Ben was able to practicar hablado espaNol con mama y papa de Carolina.
Adam marched for the Governor during the annual Review of the Troops in the University of Utah's Stadium.
These are the planes that Adam works on...
Adam what are they called?
Air Guard, Adam's in there somewhere!
Cristina and I climbed around the army vehicles and helicopters after the ceremony. Here we are emerging from a tanker!
Cristina "driving" a helicopter. She looked at me and said, "It's not turning... oh well, it must be broken!"

Cristina and Mikey put on many rock concerts for me and Ben while we were visiting!
They occasionally let us get in on the action!
Cute Claire! Thanks for a great visit! We had a wonderful time and can't wait until "next time." Christopher we didn't get any photo's of you this time, sorry! We loved seeing you and wish we would've gotten a photo of your cute Pompadour hair style!

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