Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ben's Spanish Vocabulary For the Week

Remember the post Ben made a while ago about the spanish vocabulary he was learning?  And all the flash cards that go along with it?

Well, Ben was telling me (and our friends Tyler and Stacy) that he was going over his new vocab words this week and got a good laugh over something.  Here is a list of the words he is supposed to learn from Chapter 10: La Vida Moderna. (The Modern Life.)

No sure why Ben has to learn words like heorina, and my personal favorite la cocaina.  Just incase you needed further clarification on the definition of these words they also had visual aides like this one.  What is that guy doing on the desk in the bottom right hand corner?


The Speres said...


John and Bree plus 3 (and a dog!) said...

Literally LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!! I love it!