Saturday, January 30, 2010

Speaking of Julie Andrews

I am reading this, Home: A Memoir of My Early Years, by Julie Andrews. I am only 10 pages in but it is absolutely delightful! I've paused to read two excerpts from the book to Ben and I do so in my best english, Julie Andrews accent. Even after only being 10 pages in I'd recommend this read to any Julie fans! HA! (I'll let you know if my recommendation stands once I'm finished.)

1 comment:

John and Bree plus 3 (and a dog!) said...

I'll have to add it to my "holds" list at the library. :) By the way, tell Demmy I am FINALLY number 1 on the hold list for Food Inc. I started as number 75 so I'm pretty thrilled that it's almost my turn!!! I love the library!