Ben and I got new cell phones this week, we both were feeling like we wanted an upgrade. Once the new phones arrived we had to go through the painful process of getting everything we wanted off our old phones, phone numbers, pictures, texts, etc. before ditching them. We emailed the photos to our inbox and when I went through them I found a few gems.
I remember when I first got a cell phone with a camera on it, I thought, what am I going to use this for? Mine has mainly been used for entertaining the kids I nanny. Here are a few of the photos I had of them on my phone, most of them I can't take credit for. They LOVE to take pictures with my phone!
Ben was much more creative with his camera phone, he actually had pictures of things or moments when I'm sure he thought "man I wish I had a camera."
He was able to capture waiting in line to watch President Obama's historic inauguration at the Paramount Theater downtown.
The last day the P-I was in circulation, a sad day for Seattleites.
A moment in Asbury Park, NJ- although I'm pretty sure I captured most of the shore that day with our camera, it was fun to see one of Ben's perspectives.
The greatest gem I came across was a picture I had forgotten all about. Last year while at the Cheesecake Factory Ben and I saw one of TV's latest villains... non other than Jason Mesnick, the "Bachelor." Let me explain:
When Ben and I found out that ABC's The Bachelor was to feature a Kirkland native we decided we had to tune in. (We even convinced a few of our friends to join in on the fun.) We didn't know the amount of drama that was about to unfold. Long story short he ended up proposing to Melissa on the finale and then during the after show (which for us was one hour later, for them about 3 months time) he DUMPED her and asked another girl from the show, Molly, to be his girl.
Now I know, it's a "reality" show who can really find love on The Bachelor, but none of us ever expected to see someone get dumped on live TV!
I don't remember why we went to the Cheesecake Factory that day, it's not a restaurant that we frequent but I'm glad we did. While finishing our meal (one week after The Bachelor's dramatic ending) who sat right behind us? JASON MESNICK. He came into the restaurant incognito, jacket collar up, cap pulled down to cover his face, I probably wouldn't have noticed him if I hadn't been sitting when he walked past. The angle in which I saw him made for a perfect ID. We desperately wanted to say something, but couldn't come up with anything nice or clever to say. So while I eves dropped on his conversation Ben decided to take a photo of the back of his hat. I am so glad Ben took the picture, I've been able to relive that funny moment from over a year ago while writing this post.

So what do you think... do you like your camera phone? I've discovered a new love for mine and I might try to take a page out of Ben's book and use mine to capture little moments rather than just cute kids. (They are cute though.) I think most people get a new phone every few years and it's kind of fun to think of your picture file on your phone as a little weird time capsule from the past few years. To close out this post I'm adding two photos of Ben that make me laugh from my phone. Ben is seriously one of the funniest people I've ever known. He's funny in a very subtle way. He's funny intentionally and unintentionally (my favorite kind of funny).
Unintentionally funny Ben while eating ice cream... somehow he didn't know he had a huge chocolate 'stache.
Intentionally funny Ben in his failed attempt to grow out his hair, I call this look The Rooster!