Monday, March 29, 2010

Going on a cherry blossom hunt...

A lot of people are probably familiar with the children's book or song, "We're Going on a Bear Hunt." The book/song takes kids on a journey through a swamp, a river, up a tree, and finally to the Bear's cave. Once in the cave you discover the bear and you have to run back up the tree, through the river and swamp until you are safely home with the door locked behind you. This Halloween I discovered "Looking for Dracula," which has the same concept as the bear hunt, the kids I nanny for love it... in fact we are still listening to it in March!

Last week Ben had some books to return to UW, William and I thought we'd join him. Upon entering the campus one of the parking guys gave William a map. We told William that we would go on a "cherry blossom hunt!" As in years past the cherry blossoms are busting all over the UW campus and we thought it would be fun to stroll by while we were there.

William took this "hunt" quite seriously and referred to his map several times, pointing to where he thought the cherry blossoms might be. So just like in the song and book we had a few stops on our way to the blossoms.

First we had to climb the stairs of the Suzzallo Library:

Next Ben showed William were he did his "homework" in the reading room. William found it quite challenging to be quiet in this huge room!

Then we stopped by Warren G. Magnuson's desk, an enclosed section of the reading room where students are encouraged to study. William did his best Mr. Magnuson impersonations!

Finally we made it! William was so pleased with himself when we found the cherry blossoms! We enjoyed several games of hide n' seek, however, William didn't understand why he needed a hiding buddy! He didn't see anything wrong with us closing our eyes and having him run off to hide. Eek!

We've had some picture perfect weather in Seattle lately, so far our March has been very mild. Although since we've missed out on the usual rain I'm sure there will be cries of possible droughts this summer... just can't win can you?

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