Thursday, September 23, 2010

And they're back.

To be totally honest I wasn't super excited about The Office premiere this year.  I've been feeling a little 'done' with the show lately; it's just felt tired.  Then with the news that this is Michael's last season I really thought the show was on it's last legs.  However, at 9pm tonight my opinion changed completely. 
How did I make it through the summer without you?  Why did I ever doubt your comedic brilliance?  Tonight's episode was fantastic.  I am now super excited about this season even if it is Michael's last.  Here is a little taste from tonight:

Check out Ben's article from BuddyTV about the upcoming season, here.
Also his slide show of the 25 Most Awkward Moments.

1 comment:

The Speres said...

Didn't get to see it but now I can't wait to see my mom's TiVo'd episodes! wanted to let you know that our blog address was changed to (thanks to my hubby). So that's where you can find us!