Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring... Will it ever be here?

Whether spring is here or not (snow/rain showers we got this week are not helping) I'm getting ready to plant a garden. I have been on a waiting list to get a garden plot in one of the city's P-Patches for a little under a year now and recently got a notice that I have a plot in the Picardo P-Patch! I'm very excited to have a plot in Picardo because I have a friend who is an expert gardener who also has a plot there and I intend to soak up as much green thumb wisdom as she can offer!

I've already started sowing seeds (geez I sound so gardener-esque) and am happy to report that a week later I see little green sprouts popping up! So far so good! My Pop-pop (my mom's dad) was an expert gardener especially when it comes to roses, so I'm going to channel him while I'm gardening.

To prove how green I am (and I mean new, not environmentally conscience, although I'm trying to be that too), when I opened the seed packets and began to put them in the dirt I couldn't believe how tiny they were. I called my expert gardening friend, Sara, and said, "are you sure I'm only supposed to put one of these in each container?" I couldn't believe I would get a whole head of lettuce out of that tiny seed!
Here's to more sun and a successful gardening season!


Sara Jean said...

Mandy, you are going to do great with your plot! I just know it! It really is like Christmas when you see little plants sprouting out of the soil :)

Anonymous said...

YAHOO Mames! Garden away! I'm a haphazard gardener... I just stick seeds & plants in pots & if they grow - GREAT! If not, I just rip them out and try again! :) Good luck! Can't wait to see your P-Patch in JuLy!!!