Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Feeling Lucky?

Yesterday William and I made some "Lucky Leprechaun" rainbow cupcakes. William has been playing a virtual baking game on his parents iPhone lately so he talks a lot about baking. I discovered this colorful recipe online and made it simple enough for a 4 year old to read. I told him he was the chef, and his was in charge so he needed to put me to work. He loved ordering me around the kitchen! He would 'read' how many eggs we needed, how much water and oil. Then we mixed the batter and had to pour it in six small bowls. Next he 'read' how many drops of food coloring we needed to make all six colors. Not only did we end up having a lesson on following instructions we also ended up talking about the color wheel. He couldn't BELIEVE that when you mixed red and blue you got purple. That was "AWESOME!"
 Proud Chef William
 After we layered all six colors in the muffin pan.

They turned out so big (as I was filling the pan with all six layers I added too much batter, making the cupcakes rise to gigantic levels) we decided a half a cupcake would be plenty. The cool thing about eating a half was when you cut into it you can see the layers that much more vividly.
William thinking, I could go for another half!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I'll post the recipe on Dinner-Belles later tonight!

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